"Once you realize that everybody's your neighbor, you have a choice. You can either be an advocate or an accuser. An accuser is somebody who only sees what's awful about themselves so they look through those eyes and look for what's awful about their neighbor. An advocate is somebody who looks through the eyes of God at their neighbor and sees what's good about that person because they're created in God's likeness."
"I like you just the way you are."
These are two amazing quotes from Rev Fred Rogers - one of the most influential advocates for children's television in history.
Fred was a minister in the Presbyterian faith. He loved God's creation, especially children who needed to hear the affirming message that "Mr. Rogers" shared each day that he was on PBS channels throughout the US.
I personally believe that Fred was a revolutionary man after God's heart who wanted to share that heart with everyone he encountered. Watching some of his videos recently, I was amazed at how applicable his message is to today's church message.
What if we were to take seriously his message - "I like you just the way you are"? What if we were to accept anyone who walks in the door without any need to seek change in those who are in our midst? How would that increase our church body? How would that align our message specifically for the UMC denomination "Open hearts, open minds, open doors"?
What if?
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to have dinner with a young clergyperson who is serving a small church in Arkansas. I was in the midst of someone who loves God, loves his wife and son, loves his church, and loves all. I was excited to hear all his story at how God has made him a witness to God's sustaining power and grace.
That is what we need in our church - we need to stop looking at the "awfulness" of people, and look at every relationship, every interaction, and every point to install goodness in God's creation because they are created in God's likeness.
Because I do like you just the way you are, not who I wish you could be. You are God's likeness wherever you are on your journey.
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